It’s funny the things your brain chooses to remember. Sometimes it’s even funnier WHEN your brain chooses to remember them.
Like last week. I was at Lindsey’s house for Passover Seder on my Blogger Tour, and she asked me to peel the hard-boiled eggs for the Seder plate. And I just STRUGGLED. I mean struggled to peel these stupid hard-boiled eggs! The white kept on sticking to the shell, which made craters in the eggs. UGH. Just horrible.
“Why can’t I do this?!” I thought to myself. I used to be able to peel an egg no problem. What happened?
Well, the problem is there are too many ways to eat eggs. And also that I go through egg-eating phases. The last time I *made* and ate a hard-boiled egg was probably a few years ago.
Recently, I’ve been eating them non-stop in egg drop soup. And before that, I was only eating them poached with hollandaise sauce. Before that, fried, over-easy. Before that sunny side up.
I get stuck in these egg-eating ruts, man. And I literally forgot how to peel an egg.
Well, I got home from my two-month blogger tour, and we had two month old eggs that Frank hadn’t eaten. Well, two month old eggs are easier to peel (so I’ve heard), so I set out to make deviled eggs with them.
And then they weren’t easier to peel. Six eggs in (SIX?!), a realization smacked me in the side of the head: ROLL THE DANG THINGS, COURTNEY! And I immediately remembered my mom peeling hard-boiled Easter eggs by rolling them across the counter and then peeling the shell off all at once.
Like this!

Crack the egg by rolling it, thus crunching the shell into little bitty pieces all stuck together. They peel off easily after that, and you’re left with beautiful shiny eggs. :)
My point, people?
Sad Eggs
Happy Eggs
The End.
Featured on Party Wave Wednesday.
This is how I do it. I used to work in a restaurant and that was one of the many tricks they caught me :)
Follow Tony’s Post of june 3 starting eggs in cold water and bring to a boil, except after water starts to boil, simply turn off the heat and let the eggs sit in hot water covering with a lid. When water has cooled, then all the rest is the same..shock them with ice cubes and cold water and let them sit in the ice bath. Works perfectly and beautiful farm fresh eggs are not overcooked! Enjoy.
Do you time for 12 minutes immediately after placing eggs into the boiling water or wait till water returns to a boil?
I start timing as soon as I put them in the water.
put egg in freezer briefly – then peels easily
I think I used this method before and the white still stuck to the shell.. I will try it again and see.
I like to steam eggs rather than boiling them. The steam helps seperate the egg shell from the egg. Really fresh eggs can still be a challenge, but I think it is consistently better that boiling ever was.
I use a gadjet that pokes a tiny hole in the wide end of the egg…….then boil in cold water(nothing added)for 15 min. bring pan over to sink, drain hot water and refill pan with cold tab water….wait until you can handle eggs, roll on cabinett, when shell is cracked peel.